The Beatles PART 3 - Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper
REC – “The Accumulate” (from RECcollection: The Best of REC 2007-2020 AND Symphony for the Weird)
In Part 3 of my six-part series on The Beatles, I go over their most expansive period, when they left live-based rock recording behind and became full-on studio heads, covering Rubber Soul, Revolver, and Sgt. Pepper’s (as well as the US release, Yesterday and Today). This is also when they were the most cohesive as a band, and contrastingly when their disillusionment started to tear at that cohesiveness.
I talk about why this is their overall best & most defining period, what makes it so amazing, and which of the three albums is truly the best.
Are any of these your top favorite album? Can YOU decide if Rubber Soul or Revolver is better? Where do you rank Sgt. Pepper? Discuss dammit!
