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Kicking off the new podcast season with a literal FLOOD

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Welcome to WEEK 246 of MUSIC is not a GENRE (Video #72 & S4Ep1)

Some Things Happen – The Flood, the New Season & What YOU Want


This podcast used to be something else. It started out in January 2016 as The Thursday Throwback Track (4T), a text & photo blog about my cassette collection. I had no idea at the time that it would be anything more. I stuck with it for well over three years, moving on to my vinyl collection, at which point it dawned on me that it should be a video podcast.

I posted my first video in the fall of 2019. By the middle of 2020, I realized this had become something else. So I changed the name to match what I’d already started calling my YouTube channel – MUSIC is not a GENRE. It came from a music recording project I also started in 2016. It made me realize two things: 1. All of this stuff is connected, and should all be under the same umbrella; and 2. Change is inevitable, so why not actively choose it.

A few months after I changed the name, I debuted audio only episodes of every podcast. I broke it into seasons. I started a secondary series called MUSIC is EVERYTHING. I launched a Patreon site. I started an interview series. The change just keeps on coming.

As this is the Season 4 premiere, it’s fitting that there’s even more change. Just as I had recorded & was about to launch this first episode, my basement studio got flooded by Hurricane Ida. We’re still recovering. We didn’t lose anything too significant, but lots of stuff got damaged. That includes a few dozen CDs, and coincidentally several of the ones I plan to discuss next week. So I decided to ditch the original recording and talk about things as they are now. Some change comes whether you want it or not.

One change I DO want is to bring YOU more into the mix. What do YOU want to talk about? What artists should I spotlight? What albums or songs should I discuss in depth? Even if they’re not part of my collection, I’ll go there. What music ideas have you always wished someone would dissect? Who else should I interview? Is there a music-focused book, movie or TV show you’d love to chat about?

I’ll collect all your suggestions, and future episodes will be shaped by them. Hell, I may even interview YOU. If genre can’t hold music, then neither can the idea of what this podcast is “supposed” to be. It can be whatever we want it to.

Here are some ideas to help spark you: What’s in your collection? What does it mean to be a true fan? Can you be honest about your favorite artists’ weaknesses? Do you favor well-known artists over indie artists? Are you truly open-minded – i.e. do you actively want your opinions to be changed? Do you believe music can change the world, or is it just the soundtrack to change? Do you know someone you think I should interview? Have you listened to any of my music, and if so what do you think of it? Here’s a link to get your started. It’s to a song that 100% fits this week’s theme of change being inevitable. It’s also one of my favorite REC songs:

REC – “Some Things Happen”

It’s in our hands. Discuss dammit!



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New York, NY

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